Friday, September 30, 2011


The shoot will take place in Los Angeles on November 19, 20 and 21. The shooting schedule will become more specific for each character by October 15th but really, if your availability is too limited, don't just try to fit it in. Actors need some flexibility.

The film will be shot by the crew of a major network television show and the producer of this short film works for a major studio. The film will be shot using the Sony F-35 Camera which is a super-high level state of the art HD camera and there will be a full crew using excellent technical equipment. There will be makeup and costume people to help actors prepare their look for the film and craft services will be provided.

There is no pay, no travel expenses or accommodations (other than someone's couch). Your benefit in doing this film will come only if you like the writing and if you want to be part of an excellent completed film that will most likely have a good life in festivals due to the prestige of the crew and what will be a really excellent final product.

If you have any questions, please contact me by email at

Casting must be swift and there will probably not be time to contact everyone who applies. Please accept my apologies in advance if I'm unable to get back to you but there is only time to see a limited number of actors.

Thanks for your interest.

Troy Acree, Writer and director


Most ot the scenes involving these two characters take place in fragmented flashbacks. Full scenes (some written and possibly some improvs) will be shot and then sliced and diced for the final effect. Below are two scenes that will definitely be shot in full and possibly used in their totality.


Look, I don’t know what to say to you. I’m sorry. I know you’ve been hurt before and this was really wrong but…

You know that I’ve been hurt before. You know. You know.
You don’t know. You don’t know anything. I trusted you. I gave you – Forget it. Why talk about it? There’s just nothing else to – Forget it.

Wait a minute. You can’t just turn it off like that. I know I made a mistake but –

A mistake? You fucked my friend in my house on my bed and you say “mistake:.

Damn it. I’m trying to talk to you. I’m sorry. I know you have every right to be pissed at me, but – it was just because she was walking around naked and trying to --- I know it was stupid and there’s no excuse, but please baby, you gotta give me another chance. I love you. I really love you. I promise I’ll make it work. Just give me one more chance.


You know, I really think you should get out more. It’s been two years since your divorce. I know it was a disaster but come on…
Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but…

What, but:? You have to take a chance again sometime.

Easy for you to say.

Look, I know I’m just a guest in your house and I don’t want to make myself unwelcome, but I really think it would be good for you to get out into the world and try to meet somebody. There’s no way you’re going to make your life better by watching the same old movie over and over again.

That “old movie” has helped me get through a lot of crap. It’s really been –

Jane notices that Andrea is giving her a look as if to say “That’s really sad” and she stops her rant.

OK. OK. I’ll get out.


Jane is obsessed with old movies. She’s especially obsessed with one famous actress who led a wild and tragic life. Jane used to spend all her spare time watching movies…until she met the man of her dreams. Jane fell in love with Bill and she was very happy for a time. Unfortunately, she also found Bill in her best friend Andrea’s bed and now she’s not so happy. Now Jane is back to watching old movies and contemplating suicide. She even goes to the bathroom to take some pills but…something stops her. A hand grabs her hand and she spills the bottle on the floor.  When she gets on the floor to pick up the pills, she’s in for another surprise. Her favorite actress has decided to pay her a visit…from the grave.